Alhamdulillah, thanks be to Allah, finally we PonPon Media have successfully completed the Mabadi Awaliyah application. The Mabadi Awwaliyah Book the work of Shaykh Abdul Hamid Hakim is a book that discusses about Usul Fiqh based on the Shafii Faith. This book is often studied in various Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia, especially in the Salaf Islamic Boarding School which studies more deeply related to the turats books (Pondok Kitab).This book is a relatively small and concise book, but includes a fairly deep and broad discussion. The translation of this book is the basics of the Shafii school of jurisprudence, and there are also 40 Qaidah Fiqhiyyah, as the basis for determining the law of Fiqh for the Shafii School, delivered in a language that is quite easy to understand and practice. by all levels of Muslims, especially the santri or students in Islamic boarding schools who want to study the Usul Fiqh of the Imam Syafii school of thought.Fiqh is a finished product while Usul Fiqh is the basis for taking a jurisprudence law, The Mabadi Awaliyah Book is the basic book of ushul fiqh studied among salaf Islamic boarding schools ahlussunnah wal jamaa`ah. The rules consist of 40 basic principles of ushul fiqh that must be memorized by students.Application Features Mabadi Awaliyah :- Offline Application Without Internet Connection- Lightweight And Fast Application- Applications can be downloaded for FREE- Attractive Design, Simple And Easy To Use- Share feature- Page Zoom Feature (With Smartphone Screen Swipe)This Mabadi Awaliyah application may still be far from perfect, therefore we are very open to receiving criticism and suggestions from all users. You can send criticism and suggestions for the development of this application. Hopefully this Mabadi Awaliyah application is useful for all of us and congratulations on using this Mabadi Awaliyah application from your respective devices. Thank you.